welcome to

our club

Champions keep playing until they get it right. I want my tennis to speak for everything. When you do something best in life, you don’t really want to give that up – and for me it’s sport.


I started as yoga trainer and getting more and more close with people who came for yoga classes, I saw that it might not be all I can do for them. Then I started thinking about elaborating my own complex lifestyle program. I already had a bunch of ideas – so it started swiftly.


With my medical degree in endocrinology I was able to smartly combine yoga techniques together with correct nutrition recommendations and come up with a neat program that would improve self-comprehension of many people struggling with their weight problems and overall dissatisfaction.

10 classes per week


9 classes per week


15 classes per week


8 classes per week



Premium Award:lt:small:gt: 2016:lt:/small:gt:

Fitness Certificate:lt:small:gt: 2015:lt:/small:gt:

Aerobics Award:lt:small:gt: 2015:lt:/small:gt:

Yoga Certificate:lt:small:gt: 2016:lt:/small:gt:

Premium Quality:lt:small:gt: 2015:lt:/small:gt:

what clients say